The product
shipped before 2024,June, 12th. please click the use manual on right
Use Manual
Please note:
For avoid the vacuum tubes
damage during shipping, we assemble the foam in the unit, user get the
unit, must remove the top board and remove the inside foam , then
assemble the top board and can power on it .
For avoid the sound quality degrade, the unit has not built the output
delay design.
After power on the unit, the
display will blinking around 30 second, we are recommend power on the
power amp after the display stop blink .
Display inform:
Leftmost on top mean the
gain step number, from 1 to 9, 9 is the max gain.
Left 2nd and 3rd on top mean the volume level, from 0 to 99, 99
is the max volume .
Left 1st on bottom mean gain control modes,
"A" (auto) mean the gain auto control follow the volume control that can
offer the best gain and volume cooperation. "d" (disable auto) mean the
gain control manually.
Left 2nd on bottom mean the dim
modes, "A" (auto) mean the auto dim mode active, "b" (bright) mean the
display always bright.
Rightmost on bottom mean the
input channel number .

Auto / manual gain control:
The product has 9 steps
gain modes . The gain can set auto or manual control .
Push the left button
once, the bottom display show "Ag. OFF" or "Ag. ON" , push the right
button can set either "OFF" and "ON".
While set to "Ag. ON"
mean auto gain control, the gain will follow the volume step
change auto .

While set to "Ag. OFF"
mean manual gain control , user can through turn the volume knob
to set the gain between 1 to 9 , that can better match the different
output level of the sources .

Auto dim the display:
Push the left button once again , the bottom display show "Ad. OFF" or
"Ad. ON", push the right button can set either "OFF" and "ON".
While set to "Ad. ON" mean the
auto dim active , the display will auto dark around 9 seconds after stop
operate the unit , only a little dot as the power led on the display.
While set to "Ad. OFF" mean the auto
dim disable , the display will always light.
In this state, the digits on top show
the real-time celsius temperature of the unit inside .

The different between Single Ended and
Balanced output:ä
For more fun to the user
of full balanced system, the two pair XLR output sockets ,one pair
mark "SE" that mean the output is single ended though even they are XLR
sockets . Another pair mark "Blanced" mean the output is real blanced .
User can through the same XLR cable to experience the different sound
flavor between full balanced and single ended. Recommend
connect the real balanced output connected.

User tweak the sound
flavor (We don't recommend user swap the tubes unless user has very
good skill )¡G
User can swap the tube A and B to get the different sound flavor,
before swap, must mark the sign on the tube .